Cartographie Collaborative - micro-initiatives pour le Quartier Européen - MAP-it City-Mine
Cartographie Collaborative - micro-initiatives pour le Quartier Européen - MAP-it City-Mine
City Mine(d)
is an international network of individuals and collectives involved with city and local action. It brings together micro-initiatives, creates urban interventions and makes public space Read more...
City Mine(d) NOW
MAP-it:: Wednesday March 2 :: 16-19pm
25 February, 2011 by Sofie
Second collaborative mapping exercise for micro-initiatives in the European neighbourhood. The workshop will be organised using MAP-it: A low-tech tool to plan, analyse and reconstruct past and future projects by creating open and flexible visualization of a process in space and time.
This second MAP-it session has a double objective:
- complete and refine the local knowledge of the area, collected during the first session (see image)
- meeting people already active in the neighbourhood and link up our projects (already existing or future ones)
Deuxième session d'une cartographie collaborative de micro-initiatives pour le Quartier Européen. Ce MAP-it #2 aura un double objectif:
-compléter et affiner les connaissances du terrain, collectées lors de la première session (voir image)
-faire connaître les personnes impliquées sur le terrain et mettre en réseau des projets en cours / des propositions de projets (concrets et réalisables)
Tweede collaboratieve cartografie-workshop voor micro-initiatieven in de Europawijk. Deze 2de MAP-it heeft een dubbel doel:
- de terreinkennis die vorige keer al was verzameld verfijnen en aanvullen (zie foto)
- personen die al actief zijn in deze buurt rond de tafel brengen en bestaande of geplande projecten met elkaar verbinden
-> full story
The European district in Brussels has seen over 20 years of major upheavals and restructuring projects. At the same time it has witnessed a new generation of people and buildings: estate speculators, Euro-pean trainees, satellite offices, shops trying to adapt to the new situation. When the institutional planning redraws the city with the bulldozer, what happens with the inhabitants of the neighbourhood? How do they find again their home, and (re)inspire their imagination? Is it possible to create new meeting places and connections between neighbourhoods?
CityMine(d), together with the artist and researcher Thomas Laureyssens and the committees of neigh-bourhoods GAQ and AQL, supported by Bral and IEB, propose a collaborative mapping exercise of a public space in the district. The workshop will be organized using MAP-it: A low-tech tool to plan, analyze and reconstruct past and future projects by creating open and flexible visualization of a process in space and time.
The first MAP-it European Quarter workshop was held at the CityMine(d) Urban Platform event in november 2010. It resulted in a good overview of the problems and opportunities of the quarter and brought up some inspiring ideas. With this second iteration of MAP-it European Quarter we want to connect neighbourhood actors such as local committees, social centres, artists, inhabitants, educators,… and see how we can concretely realise some projects in the area. In the workshop we will map out the compatibility of interests and combine it with knowledge of the local terrain.
MAP-it is a low-tech mapping tool that allows you to debrief past projects, manage current ones and plan future activities. It's a hands-on tool, an open and extendible set of icons, allowing participants to make their thoughts explicit in a visual way in the form of a map. The visual character of mapping allows participants from different backgrounds to discuss projects on equa grounds. Moreover, the mapping's structure encourages not only sharing positive experiences, but also leads to critique and debate. Communication is opened up and details come to surface using the various MAP-it elements.
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