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vendr 23

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE Brussels 2016 - Day 3/5

vendredi 23 septembre 2016 à 18h

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE Brussels 2016 - Day 3/5

International Day of Peace 2016 - Day 3/5

Here we are International Day of Peace 2016 in Brussels!

This year ou festival will be concerned on frontiers, borders, limits: frontiers inside et outside Brussels, frontiers in our everyday lives, phisical borders, but also political, administrative, cultural, linguistic, social, and economical.

We want to croos all these borders and tranform them into opportunities, into path to walk together. Through art, music, culture, conferences, performances we will spread one clear message: beyond frontiers!

Friday 23 September @ Colectivo Garcia Lorca Collectif

DAY 3/5: Horeca & Black Labour

Documentary Projection

"Parcours des travailleurs migrants"

by Marie-Laure Maillat (trailer) and talks with I. Salazar, M. Boumediene, M. Saad

presented by Hispano Belga asbl & La Maison des Migrants

Booklet Presentation

"Peluches Illégales"

by Miriam Gato Mateos

Documentary Projection

"Black work as a border: what's going on in the horeca sector in Brussels?" (30′)

by La Comune del Belgio asbl


with C. Bouchat, Secrétaire Régional de la Centrale Alimentation Horeca Services FGTB (Q&A session)

Booklet Presentation

"On black work and how to recognize it"

by La Comune del Belgio asbl


by La Comune del Belgio asbl

DJ Set

DJ Chokkou

(Eclectic Afro-World Music - BE)

Source : http://www.internationaldayofpeace.eu
Source : message reçu le 20 septembre 11h